Monday, March 21, 2011


Pedro is joining us on our journey.  He has a great view of everything!

By the way, I have decided living in a motor home isn't that bad.  I had thought it would be confining, but it is at least as large as a hotel room, if not larger, and is certainly more versatile.  The birds are adapting pretty well.  The parakeets are their usual happy selves.  Munchkin is content as long as we are here.  He doesn't like it when we leave particularly, but he has the antics of the parakeets to keep him entertained, and we have been turning on symphony music for them when we leave.

When I was young, we used to camp in Yosemite, in the higher elevations (Tuolumne Meadows).  It was certainly an entirely different experience!  How the world has changed.  We see very few people in tents.  I would say that more than 95% of campers are in vehicles with water, electricity, tv's, etc.  Unbelievable.

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