Friday, March 18, 2011

The rookery

So, we parked the car and started our walk.  I always want to see what's around the next bend, to Lee's chagrin.  But this time, it was worth it.  I saw my first rookery ever, it was so exciting!  On this walk we saw more of the yellow-rumped warblers, and a beautifully-colored Eastern bluebird.  This is a bit out of focus, but you can envision the coloring.

We rounded several bends until we encountered the Ibis Pond, and the rookery!  I was in seventh heaven.  I saw several birds for the first time ever.  Lee took all the photos.  He has a 100-400mm zoom lens, which helps.  Pictures speak louder than words, so here we go:

The Rookery

White ibises (I think)

A stately pair of Great Egrets
Deceptively lazy-looking alligator

Anhinga - an amazing bird with brilliant green eyes
American coot

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