Friday, May 13, 2011

Savannah, second post

First off, I forgot one photo from Savannah, of the Cotton Exchange building, built in 1886, a very striking building:

The sun came out for the boat trip back to Hilton Head Island, so I took a few photos along the way. First, the Savannah River and its shoreline:

We passed Fort Jackson, built in 1808 and used in the War of 1812 and again by the South in the Civil War:

I happen to love pelicans, and finally got a few photos of them.  Pelicans look prehistoric to me, and I find them fascinating.  Have you ever watched them skim the water, soaring only a few inches above the waves?   It seems aerodynamically impossible, but they do it with such grace.  In the following two photographs, the boat startled them into flight:

They are graceful in flight, but almost comical on land:

Here is a pelican with two cormorants:

Okay, so this is a horrible photo, but I love to watch pelicans dive into the water to catch a fish, it's quite amazing:

Can you guess what this is?  It looks like buildings, part of a city, right?  It's a container ship!!

When we returned to Harbour Town on Hilton Head Island, we sat for a long time watching the harbor and the people.  It was a beautiful spot:

A last parting shot, taken tonight at the marina where we are staying.   A Great Egret was hanging around, waiting for hand outs, which he eventually got.  He gorged himself!!

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